Brand Design

Minimalism is nothing new. In fact, the minimalist art movement began right after World War II and featured such as the artist Mondrian, the composer Philip Glass, and the author Samuel Beckett. Some saw it as a reaction to the abstract art movement of the early 20th Century, replacing the old way of doing things with something newer and simpler.

Eventually, this art movement was replaced by something else. Yet the best qualities of minimalism continue to reverberate today in the world of web design as more and more page creators turn to simple yet spare single-page websites to attract and keep visitors.

Elements of Minimalism

As the name implies, minimalism in page design can be summed by the saying, “Less is more.” It’s a classic approach to web design that continues to be increasingly popular among business websites. The minimalist aesthetic embraces both beauty and functionality simultaneously. It eliminates anything extraneous so page viewers can focus on a few simple images and plain fonts that give just the bare essentials.

Minimalist websites are user-friendly and typically feature intuitive navigation. They also have simplified color schemes, usually keeping to just three or four colors and that’s it. They also tend to rely on the creative and bold use of typography as the central design element.

The Opposite Busy

Rather than cluttering the available space with competing images, text, animation, and more, minimalist websites keep things simple and plain for the visitor. They generally have flat, simple backgrounds as opposed to heavily textured ones. And they offer a clean aesthetic that matches the brevity of the content.

Minimalism isn’t for everybody. But for some small businesses, it can be a simple yet effective way to underscore their theme and enhance their brand by challenging their customers less, not more. To find out if minimalism works for your online branding, consult the web design experts at Lytron Strategic.


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